Utilization of Teletriage and Teleadvice
Answer questions, virtually triage, and follow up with pets and pet parents via secure video communication. Effective triaging enables you to identify more urgent issues and to recognize situations that require in-person appointments from those that do not and can be successfully managed remotely. It also facilitates efficient digital completion of documentation and paperwork resulting in shorter wait and visit times.
- Remotely respond to inquiries and assess pets or animals promptly, providing appropriate advice and guidance, instructions or information while in the comfort of their own home or living situation. Allay fears and concerns. Help your clients to understand appropriate next steps or needed interventions.
- Provide follow-up consultations after surgeries or illness. Having clients bring their animals to the office for follow-up care is not always necessary. Avoid the time and expense of using your office or clinic setting for often unreimbursed services. Evaluate the animal’s progress in their typical environment. Enable the monitoring of treatment plan effectiveness without clients needing to incur the time and expense of driving to the practice.
- Save in office visits for those situations warranting a professional’s care. Use video conference calls to determine and help clients understand when a situation requires emergency or urgent care, a routine office visit, or can be managed via telemedicine. Not only can this be extremely convenient and educational for the pet owner, it will negate unneeded in-office visits, freeing up critical walk-in slots for those who truly need them.